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School Counsellor

Hello, my name is Clare Ewers-Archer, and I am the School Counsellor at Cantrell Primary and Nursery School. My role is to offer emotional support to the children of Cantrell Primary School in the form of formal counselling sessions. I am normally at school Monday–Wednesday during term time only.

Why does Cantrell Primary School need a School Counsellor?

Everyone has thoughts, feelings and worries. Children are no different! Children may worry about similar things to adults, such as friendships, bullying, difficulties at home, feeling left out, or they may find it hard to contain their very difficult emotions like anger, anxieties or intense sadness. Sometimes these worries feel so big that they don’t know how to cope and this can often come out in their behaviour.

Counselling is a way of giving a child a chance to talk about upsetting feelings, challenging behaviour and situations they are experiencing with someone who is trained to listen carefully without making any judgements. As children can find it difficult to put into words how they are feeling, it’s really important to do this in a child-friendly way.

How can counselling help?

Children are referred to counselling for a variety of reasons such as anxiety, anger, bereavement, parental separation and lack of confidence. Having thoughts, feelings and worries listened to, clarified or understood by someone who is not directly involved can be incredibly helpful. Counselling can also encourage children to see things differently, and I teach new skills to help a child cope better. Counselling can help improve a child’s self-esteem, increase their self-belief and encourage positive changes.
Once a referral is made, I normally meet with the parent/carer to discuss this further.

Where and when will it take place?

We have a small designated room for counselling. It is comfortable and private and is intended to be a calm and relaxing space. Sessions will take place within the school day and will be mindful of your child’s lessons. Sessions will take place once a week, term time only. Initially, your child will be offered 6 sessions. On review, this may be extended for a further 6 sessions in agreement with your child. They will see the same counsellor at a set time each week. The sessions will generally be 45 minutes long, but can be shorter if your child wants them to be.

What if my child refuses to have counselling?

Just as it would be for an adult, the decision to take up counselling is entirely voluntary for young people, as is the decision to continue counselling sessions once started.

If you would like more information about how your child can receive counselling, please contact the school office or complete a referral form.