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Cantrell Primary and Nursery School has a duty of care to all pupils. We collectively work hard to protect children from harm and to safeguard their wellbeing. Everyone at Cantrell Primary and Nursery School is responsible for safeguarding but we do have a dedicated team of trained Safeguarding Leads.

Designated Professional Safeguarding Lead

THE DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEAD (DSL) is a senior member of the school's leadership team who is designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with safeguarding issues.

The role of the DSL for Child Protection is to take responsibility for dealing with child protection issues, provide advice and support to other staff, liaising with the local authority and working with other agencies to ensure all children at our school are safe.

 The DSL's in school are:

Mrs Weaver - Head Teacher 

Mrs Tomkinson - Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs DeBarr - Assistant Head Teacher

Miss Langham - Assistant Head Teacher

Mrs Knott - Class Teacher

Mrs Bagnall - School Business Manager

Miss Bell - Teaching Assistant

Our safeguarding governor is Mrs Whitworth